**Nets ** A net is a regularly scheduled on-air meeting with other amateur radio operators. These "Nets" (as in "networks") are moderated by a station referred to as "Net Control". Nets can allow operators to learn procedures for emergencies, be an informal round table or be topical, covering specific interests shared by a group. Some local nets are operated on a simplex frequency to ensure that the local operators can communicate between themselves without relying on a remote repeater that might not be available in the aftermath of a disaster. This would also allow communications in a local area without being subjected to interference from communications from outside the local area. Other local nets use a local repeater due to topographic or other obstacles to simplex operations. For information on programming the frequencies listed below (and more) into your radio, click [[:radio_programming|here]]. **Local net script - Updated December 2007** \\ {{:localnetscript.doc|Suggested Local Net Script}} in Word\\ {{:localnetscript.pdf|Suggested Local Net Script}} in PDF **County-Wide Net Suggested Script - Updated December 2024** \\ {{:mendocino_county_net_script.doc|Mendocino County-Wide Net }} Script in Word\\ {{:mendocino_county_net_script.pdf|Mendocino County-Wide Net }} Script in PDF\\ {{:mendocino_county_net_tips.pdf|Mendocino County Net Tips}} in PDF **Countywide Net Log Sheet – Updated Weekly** \\ {{:2025_county_wide_net_log_sheet.xls|2025 County-Wide Net Log Sheet}} in Excel\\ {{:2025_county_wide_net_log_sheet.pdf|2025 County-Wide Net Log Sheet}} in PDF **Countywide Digi Net Log** \\ {{:2025_diginetlog.xls|2025 Digi Net Log}} in Excel\\ {{:2025_diginetlog.pdf|2025 Digi Net Log}} in pdf ===== Local Area Net Schedule (Mendocino County) ===== Last Updated December 2024 |**COMMUNITY** |**Local** |**Day** |**Time** |**Area RPT** |**RPT Tone** |**Area NET** |**REMARKS** | |Albion / Little River / Mendocino|146.820 R|M|Noon|146.820|103.5|North Coast|Linked to 147.030 Fort Bragg| |Covelo (North Inland)|147.210 R|W|7:00 PM|145.130|103.5|Central|Alternate 147.475 or 446.025 S | |Fort Bragg|147.030 R|M|Noon|147.030|103.5|North Coast|Linked to 146.820 repeater| |Gualala|147.825 R|Tu|7:00 PM|147.825|103.5|South Coast|Link to Pt. Arena Net| |Laytonville (North Inland)|147.210 R|W|7:00 PM|145.130|103.5|Central|Alternate 147.435 MHz Simplex | |North Coast Simplex|146.550 S|W|7:00 PM|146.820|103.5|North Coast|Ft. Bragg - Orr Springs| |Point Arena|146.610 R|Tu|7:00 PM|146.610|88.5|South Coast|Link to Gualala Net| |Redwood Valley / Ukiah|146.490 S|W|7:00 PM|145.130|103.5|Central| | |Virus Net Roundtable|146.820 R|M-F|5:00 PM|146.820|103.5|North Coast|Linked to 147.030 Fort Bragg| |Willits|146.445 S|W|7:00 PM|145.130|103.5|Central| | ===== Countywide/Regional Nets ===== Last Updated March 2025 |**Name** |**Day** |**Time** |**Frequency** |**Tone** |**REMARKS** | |McARCS Countywide Net|W|7:30 PM|145.430 -|103.5|Linked Net - North County - Cahto Peak| |McARCS Countywide Net|W|7:30 PM|147.390 +|103.5|Linked Net - Central County - Laughlin Ridge| |McARCS Countywide Net|W|7:30 PM|145.470 -|103.5|Linked Net - South County - Sanel Mt.| |McARCS Countywide Net|W|7:30 PM|147.270 +|114.8|Linked Net - South Coast - Fish Rock Road| |McARCS Countywide Net|W|7:30 PM|147.675 -|179.9|Linked Net - Lake County - Hunter Point| |McARCS Countywide Net|W|7:30 PM|145.150 -|103.5|Linked Net - Lake County - Seigler Mountain| |Technical Net|Tu|7:00 PM|Linked countywide repeaters|See above|Technical questions and answers net| |Digi Net|Tu|8:00 PM|Linked countywide repeaters|See above|Practice Net using fldigi and flmsg. Net control rotates between participants.| |Walking Repeaters|W|After Countywide net (~8 PM)|145.555|103.5|Countywide/regional simplex net hosted by Len, WA6KLK| |Swap Net|Th (1st/3rd)|7:00 PM|Linked countywide repeaters|See above|Informal on-the-air swap meet for ham gear or computer equipment. Hosted by Mike, KC6MGM| |WARS Net|Th (2nd)|7:30 PM|Linked countywide repeaters|See above|Monthly on-air meeting for the [[https://w6mmm.club/|Willits Amateur Radio Society]]| |Emergency Radio Documentation Practice Net|Th (4th)|6:00 PM|Linked countywide repeaters|See above|Combination Zoom & on-radio practice session for radiograms & ICS forms. Hosted by Mike, KC6MGM. See [[:news|News]] page for Zoom link & forms| | | | | | | | |[[https://www.humboldt-arc.org/nets/|Humboldt HF Emergency Net (voice)]]|M|7:30 PM|3.955 LSB| | | |[[https://www.humboldt-arc.org/nets/|Humboldt HF Emergency Net (digital)]]|M|7:45 PM|3.581 USB| |MFSK32| |Mendocino/Sonoma HF Emergency Net|Tu|7:30 PM|3.925 or 7.245 LSB| |Net may be shifted +/- a couple of kHz for noise/traffic| |[[http://westerndigitalnet.org/|Western Digital Net]]|Th|7:30 PM|3.581 USB| |HF digital net, usually MFSK32. Fldigi, flmsg, and flamp are used.| ---- Notes: * S or R denotes simplex or repeater frequency * Some areas may require elevation and/or gain antenna for common repeater access * Each community uses non-interfering simplex frequency for local net per table //{{counter}} visitors to this page since January 2020//