**Resources ** ==== McARCS Membership ==== Membership in the Mendocino County Amateur Radio Communications Service is granted to those that participate in the McARCS events, including checking into the weekly county-wide net on a regular basis, communications for various public service events, and public safety drill exercises in preparation and practice for communications during or following a disaster. We have no membership application and no dues requirement. We are funded only by donations and financial grants. By this method we have installed a fully functional HF (75m and 40m) and VHF/UHF (2m and 70cm) station at the Emergency Operations Center and VHF transceivers with antennas and power supplies at many health care facilities and school district offices around the county. Membership entitles you to further participate in McARCS activities. We may ask you for an email address and/or phone numbers so that we may contact you off the radio for coordination purposes. We will not generally publish this information but will hold this information closely within the McARCS in-person meeting group and exercise coordinators. Everyone is invited to attend the monthly planning meetings as announced in the weekly county-wide net or on the McARCS web site. ==== McARCS General Documentation ==== * [[:current_mcarcs_officers|Current McARCS officers]] * {{:mcarcs_constitution.pdf|McARCS Constitution}} * [[:meeting_agendas|Meeting Agendas]] * [[:meeting_minutes|Meeting Minutes]] * [[:message_forms|Message Forms]] * [[:operating_procedures|Operating Procedures ]] * [[:operating_tips|Operating Tips]] * [[:radio_programming|Radio Programming Resources]] * [[:training_resources|Training Resources]] ==== Links to Local Amateur Radio Groups ==== * [[https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/K1RdvBYwaSkMX/|Willits Amateur Radio Society]] * [[http://abarc.net|Anchor Bay Amateur Radio Club]] * [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/RoundValleyHams|Round Valley Amateur Radio Operators]] * [[https://sites.google.com/site/lcarsca/home|Lake County Amateur Radio Society]] * [[https://sites.google.com/site/narcradioclubbiz/|Nice Amateur Radio Club]] * [[http://sonomacountyradioamateurs.com/wp/|Sonoma County Radio Amateurs]] * [[http://sharc-ca.org/|Southern Humboldt Amateur Radio Club]] * [[http://mendoradio.wordpress.com|Mendocino Radio Blog by Carl KB6ZST]] ==== Links to Emergency Communication Resources ==== {{ :when-all-else-fails.png?direct&250x251}} * {{:mendocino_county_fire_and_earthquake_resources.pdf|Mendocino County Fire and Earthquake Resources}} Download, Save as … and Create a Shortcut on Your Desktop Screen ==== Listing of Mendocino County Law Enforcement and Fire Frequencies ==== Program your scanner or extra radio! * [[:public_service_listing|Public Service Listing]] ==== Online Radio Monitoring ==== * [[http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?stid=6|Monitor live California radio feeds from your web browser]] * [[http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?ctid=205|Listen to Mendocino County Sheriff and Police]] ==== External resources ==== These will take you to external websites, you will need to use the back arrow to come back to this site. * [[https://www.arrl.org|ARRL Amateur Radio]] * [[https://www.usraces.org|US RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service]] * [[https://www.aaastateofplay.com/all-about-ham-radio-for-beginners/|All About Ham Radio for Beginners]] //{{counter}}//