Here is the schedule for some of the events that McARCS is planning for 2024 with event coordinators listed:
Annual coastal Tsunami Watch communications exercise – TBD - KC6MGM
Annual school district earthquake damage report exercise – Spring TBD - KJ6EIF
Communications for the Mendocino Ultra Marathon – April 20 - KC6MGM
Annual County-Wide Health System communications exercise – May TBA - WB9NJS
Annual Nation-Wide Field Day communications exercise – June 22 - 23
International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend Operating event, Pt. Cabrillo Lighthouse – August 17 - 18
Annual State-Wide Shakeout exercise – October TBA - KC6MGM
We can offer communications for other events where ham radio can provide an essential safety or logistical service particularly where other forms of communications are not appropriate or available.
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