NC6MC is the call sign used for McARCS official communications.

The Mendocino County Amateur Radio Communications Service (McARCS) is the support organization for amateur radio emergency communications in Mendocino County – about halfway between San Francisco and Eureka between the Pacific Coast and halfway to the central valley.

This service is made up of FCC-licensed amateur radio operators who have volunteered their time and resources to serve the community in times of emergency. They maintain reliable radio systems that do not depend upon regular sources of electric power, and are prepared to respond to the need for radio communications whenever regular systems fail or are overloaded, including such emergency conditions as fire, flood, toxic spill, earthquake, or other disaster.

  • County Wide Net, 7:30 PM Local Time on Wednesdaysmcarcs_logo.jpg
  • South Coast and Inland 145.470 - 103.5
  • Central Coast and Inland 147.390 + 103.5
  • North Coast and Inland 145.430 - 103.5
  • Fish Rock/Point Arena 147.270 + 114.8
  • Western Lake County 147.675 - 179.9
  • Eastern Lake County 145.150 - 103.5
  • Net Control Station Duties Rotate – Follow Net Control Instructions

The regular McARCS meeting is on the second Monday of the month, 6 pm. and is held via Zoom. See the News page for details.

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