News Archive

Archived news items for the current year will be posted here, with the most recent items at the top. Click the link at the bottom of the page to go further back in the archive.


A test session will be held at 10 AM on Saturday, December 14th at the Lake County Office of Education in Lakeport. If you are interested in testing, please contact Tim WB9NJS. If you would like to participate as a volunteer examiner, please contact Nick KI6RIT.

For links to video recordings of the technician and general-class license training sessions, click here.

ALERT: Effective April 19th 2022, the FCC will be implementing a $35 application fee for new license applications. Upgrading an existing license to a higher class is exempt. The fee is in addition to the $15 test fee. Volunteer examiners (VEs) won't be collecting the application fee; you will need to make payment to the FCC directly. Click here for more information.


The Mendocino County Office of Emergency Services, in conjunction with the Mendocino Auxiliary Communications Service (MACS), will be offering two one-hour ZOOM presentations on emergency radio procedures and on emergency radio documentation. Unlike our regular day-to-day chatting, emergency communications require special considerations to be efficient and to document what you have done.

These two presentations will be offered twice in October on the following dates from 1800 to 1900 hours:

  • Oct 21 - Monday - Procedures
  • Oct 25 - Friday - Documentation
  • Nov 4 - Monday - Documentation
  • Nov 8 - Friday - Procedures

You need only attend one presentation for each topic. When registering, please give me the dates you wish to attend.

For those wishing to attend, please register with me so I can send you the invitation with the ZOOM meeting link and the appropriate forms for the practice sessions. Please share this information with other hams you know.

MACS Coordinator


A test session will be held at 10 AM on Saturday, September 21st at the Redwood Collegiate Academy in Ukiah. If you are interested in testing, please contact Tim WB9NJS. If you would like to participate as a volunteer examiner, please contact Nick KI6RIT.

For links to video recordings of the technician and general-class license training sessions, click here.

ALERT: Effective April 19th 2022, the FCC will be implementing a $35 application fee for new license applications. Upgrading an existing license to a higher class is exempt. The fee is in addition to the $15 test fee. Volunteer examiners (VEs) won't be collecting the application fee; you will need to make payment to the FCC directly. Click here for more information.


Mendocino County, along with Humboldt and others, will be participating in the 2024 Coastal Region Radio Exercise. The exercise will be held Thursday August 22nd beginning at 0900 with a general briefing. Most activities will take place between 1000 and 1300. This is an opportunity for Ham Radio operators in the county to gain experience responding to an emergency incident, in this case a simulated 7.8 Earthquake. Participants may respond via their home or office stations. We need radio operators to simulate field assignments and pass information to the county Emergency Operations Center (EOC). There will be a short Zoom training prior to the event and a general briefing for participants the morning of the exercise. We need your support!

To register for the exercise, please follow the link copied below and register in the role of Player. Once you have registered, or if you have questions, please send an email to Mike, K6MAH.

Click here to register for the event. The registration deadline is Monday, August 19th at noon.


It is with sadness that we report that our friend and colleague, Peter Kools, NB6H, passed away recently. Peter had recently joined the amateur radio world but in a short period, worked his way up to an extra-class license, became active on the VHF and HF bands, became accredited as a volunteer examiner (with participation in 10 sessions in a year!), gave presentations at our last general license training class, and stepped up to be the secretary for McARCS. He was known for his warm personality and willingness to help.

The McARCS officers and members extend our condolences to Peter's family.


On Saturday, June 15th, a test session was held in Lakeport. Of the three people that tested, two passed - two upgrades from technician-class to general-class.


A test session will be held at 10 AM on Saturday, June 15th at the Lake County Office of Education in Lakeport. If you are interested in testing, please contact McARCS. If you would like to participate as a volunteer examiner, please contact Nick KI6RIT.

For links to video recordings of the technician and general-class license training sessions, click here.

ALERT: Effective April 19th 2022, the FCC will be implementing a $35 application fee for new license applications. Upgrading an existing license to a higher class is exempt. The fee is in addition to the $15 test fee. Volunteer examiners (VEs) won't be collecting the application fee; you will need to make payment to the FCC directly. Click here for more information.


There have been some changes with the regional nets over the last month or so:

  • Swap Net - The net schedule has changed from weekly to the first Thursday of the month due to lack of items being posted and lack of response to a request for a second net control to split duties with
  • Trivia Net - A fun trivia net is being run by Mike, KC6MGM, weekly on Thursdays at 7:30 PM, with the exception of the second Thursday of the month as that's when the WARS net runs
  • APRS Net - A net utilizing APRS will begin running as a pilot on Wednesdays starting May 8th from 5 PM to 7:30 PM. To check in, send a message to AE6LJ on 144.390 MHz from a radio with APRS capabilities (no APRSdroid!). If successful, you should get an automated response. If participation is high enough, this may become an official net.


On Saturday, April 27th, a test session was held in Ukiah. Of the six people that tested, four passed - two new technician-class, one new general-class (technician/general in one sitting!), and one upgrade to extra-class.


Repairs have been made on the equipment hosted at the Laughlin Ridge repeater site located between Willits and Redwood Valley. The WIN System repeater on 147.120 MHz is operational again (in standalone mode, currently no connection to the WIN System), as is the APRS repeater. A Winlink packet node on 145.050 MHz has also been added. Thank you to everyone that worked on this project!


A test session will be held at 10 AM on Saturday, April 27th at the Redwood Collegiate Academy in Ukiah. If you are interested in testing, please contact Tim WB9NJS. If you would like to participate as a volunteer examiner, please contact Nick KI6RIT.

For links to video recordings of the technician and general-class license training sessions, click here.

ALERT: Effective April 19th 2022, the FCC will be implementing a $35 application fee for new license applications. Upgrading an existing license to a higher class is exempt. The fee is in addition to the $15 test fee. Volunteer examiners (VEs) won't be collecting the application fee; you will need to make payment to the FCC directly. Click here for more information.


This year's Mendocino 50K ultra marathon will be held on Saturday, April 20th. More volunteers are needed! If you would like to participate, contact Mike KC6MGM.

For more information on the event, click here.

To view older news postings, click here.

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